Birth Certificate Replacement
To start your birth certificate application, please enter the correct information into our form below for the individual who needs the Birth Certificate. p >
Surname at birth *
Forename(s) *
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) *
Country of Birth *Select a country / region…PortugalUnited Kingdom (UK)Update country / region
Place of birth *
Father/parent surname *
Father/parent forename(s) *
Mother's maiden surname *
Mother's forename(s) *
Mother's surname at time of child's birth *
Your full name (person who orders) *
Gender *MaleFemale
Telephone *
Email *
Full Name *
Street address *
City *
Postcode *
First name *
Last name *
Company name (optional)
Country / Region *United Kingdom (UK)
Apartment, suite, unit, etc. (optional)
Town / City *
State / County (optional)
Postcode / ZIP *
Order notes (optional)
Standard, Your certificate will be dispatched within 2-4 weeks (£ 46.00 GBP)Shipping Method - 2nd Class Post Urgent, Your certificate will be dispatched within 2-3 working days (£ 88.00 GBP)Shipping Method - Royal Mail Recorded Delivery Total Amount